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Dungeon Born  a Browser MMO game transformed into a life-and-death . Thanks to the valiant efforts of the Gods, Who Summoned me in this new World, Just moments after reincarnated you find yourself in an unknown Village. What awaits to you and your friends will embark you in a new journey of survival and adventure !

This Game is made for true adventurers who hates automatic quests and want to explore. The game has only one life system which you will reset if you die all data will be lost. Only the strongest can get more Items and hidden relics or even further to be one of the game lordz.

Updated 22 days ago
Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
TagsAction-Adventure, Action RPG, Character Customization, MMORPG, Multiplayer, Swords, Third Person
Average sessionA few hours
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen
AccessibilityConfigurable controls
MultiplayerAd-hoc networked multiplayer

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Bro , i love this game( i just started playing) but one day the background was all green . i could see and move the player but rest of the background was all green

sorry for that kind of bug, I will be returning to fix that bug


I loved how I can evolve into a demon


Yeah you have 3 different choices, My favorite is the Divine


The discord link in the menu is inactive, when you make a discord link you can choose to make it not go inactive.


Level 8 of the dungeon still doesn't have working exits. (It's so dark down here.)


working on the Boss fight, It should be challenging

(1 edit) (+1)

Still should probably make it so people can leave floor 8 so people don't get trapped there like me. Unless the boss is being added soon and it will get fixed anyway.


Edit sorry it took me a while. I got busy with my work. I added some Boss on floor 8


Thanks! Died to stunlocking wolves, might want to make it so those don't infinitely spawn.

Came back with a new character, beat it and became first lord. Though I'm looking forward to the first update that the level button isn't it.


which button edit ? I will have a big update this week with lots of different monsters and cores and with different places to explore

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, just recently I haven't been able to log into my account, the loading is stuck at 0%, and when I made another character to check, I'm not shown on the adventurer leaderboard for some reason.

Just to clarify the account was remade after the update, so it wasn't the update that did it.


sorry to hear that ! because you surpassed the rank threshold the data can not find your rank name so it goes error, recently I fixed some of the issues and your underlings can also fight with you


Found the debug level up button, now I ruined my character, well I wanted to make a new one to make it an elf anyway.

(6 edits)

Really cool stuff, a bit rough around the edges. I've made a list of gripes and bugs I've found, don't get me wrong, I think the game is really cool, it's just that there are a lot of bugs and such.

It would be nice to be able to use the race change scroll to turn back into human (would mean going from any advance race to a different advanced race would take two scrolls)

I like the perma death, though with a game in beta it can be tough when a bug results in death. It's also a bit tough when skills and such don't have tool tips, and having multiple skills/spells of the same name adds onto that problem. Also no tooltip for what different stats do.

A big example of having to make choices based on no data, that often mean making a new character, is the choice between three boons One gives you, and changing races also gives boosts you can't know before choosing.

It's also very hard to tell if a NPC is talking about something that exists in the game or is planned to be in the game, for example the mist swamp, the thing One mentions about dungeons and I'm not sure if Nick coming back after level 5 is something that hasn't been added or if I'm messing it up by leveling past 5 before I come back to town. Also not sure if there are any more areas besides the dead forest, outside town, in town and the dungeon.

It would be cool to see the terrain have some elevation, though trying add depth to an area could be hard since it's just you working on the game.

The movement is pretty stiff and some times I wish the direction the player was looking was locked to the camera with the moment to the sides were strafing.

Also wish there was an AOE spell, but that would end up making mages just better at grinding with how the game is right now.

As TechnoBen said, the camera is a bit hard to control, I think this is because it's set to be a certain distance away from the player and when they go against a wall it will push the camera to the side instead of moving closer to the player, it also seems to be some kind of physics object instead of having the perspective shot out as a ray from the player (to make sure it isn't behind a wall), also it's a bit annoying that you can't change the up and down direction of the camera by much.

I also love concepts like magic affinities, but when you have a chance to have (all?) four of them, it leads to people, like me, making a new character till they get the best result. It's also weird that the only place I've learned about what types of magic there are is when he tells you what magic affinities you have, so there could be a water affinity and I have just never seen it.

I saw you mention that you personally set up the adventurer guild quests, which is cool, but it could also easily be set up to automatically appear overtime or every 24 hours.

Pressing Q moves the player forward by a certain amount (which seems to be more the longer the game runs) seems like a debug movement tool left in the game.

First character I had ended up dying on the 8th level of the dungeon since there was no door to a 9th floor and the door back to the 7th didn't seem to work.

Lost another character to the golem protecting the dead forest, but not from getting in, but after I left the forest and it had killed me by the time the area loaded in.

Not sure if you're suppose to be able to get like 5 red prince swords from the trial One puts you through.

If you beat all the slimes in the trail it is very easy to end up dying by the wasps before you are scripted to stop taking damage around 50hp resulting in dying to the trial and making a new character.

You can change the direction of re: phantasm after you start to cast it, right before it shoots out, which honestly I think would be good if it was a normal thing added.

Can just walk through the side walls in the dungeon.

Starting to walk and tabbing out of the game (like changing to a different tab) results in the player moving without checking if it's going through walls, eventually leading to going out of the map.

After recharging my mana at the stone in town I went outside the town and my mana was set back to near empty.

When you harvest plants or open chests you are set back to walk mode, but your character model still looks like they have their weapon out (if they had it out when they started to interact with it).

When you level up your weapon unequips.

The demon inside the dungeon does not agro from magic attacks, only from getting close to it.

Magic just flies over eaters at some ranges. (I'm also not sure if re: pantasm is suppose to always miss when trying to hit ghosts and slimes.)

When you got to sleep in the area outside of town and get out of the leafbed, you get teleported inside of the hollow dungeon entrance (with the fake tree and fake iron ore)

Also shops don't let you sell items of the same type you are wearing, so if you have a wooden stick equipped and want to sell your other 10 you have to unequip the one in hand first.


I deeply appreciated this, I have a huge update this week, with some more monsters and places, also I will fix all the issue that you have given me, overall thank you for helping

(3 edits) (+1)

No problem, I'm happy you apricate it and it's a good sign too.

I'm looking forward to the update, and also the quests you added were yummy, I ate all the quests.

More of a future thing but it would be cool to see different looking magic circles for different magics later on, and more magics too. It might be interesting to have a basic spell, like fireball, for each element. Also the barrier magic in town is cool, wonder if we will get a barrier spell later on.

More Bugs:

If you have a weapon out and go to another area, your "no weapon out skills" don't show in the new area until you take the weapon out and put it away again.

There are some dialogs you can just walk away from, for example after assessing your magic aptitudes you can leave before all the dialog is said, same with the conversation with Nick. You can also change directions during the One chat, which messes up the yellow magic circle that shows up when he sends you to the trial.

Dashing can push you through walls if you do it right against a wall.

There is some Z fighting with the textures for the clothing and the body texture underneath, while it partly seems like a limitation with what you are using, you could still have something that hides the body textures where they aren't being shown, for example if the chest is a separate texture and the player is wearing a shirt that fully covers it, then the body texture could be turned off since there is no way for the player to be able to see it (outside of z fighting or clipping the camera into the body).

Breaking crates give a decimal number of coins resulting in having something like 1000.832002896 coins.

It's inconsistent what knocks you down for walking into it when you are in walking mode, for example the interior walls of the blacksmith knock you over, but the interior walls of the rented houses don't, anything that doesn't knock you over for walking into it is really easy to clip through and walk past.

Oh this is purely just a suggestion response, but I think it would be good for you to avoid square zones. A zone that has some walls breaking it up will make it much more interesting and make the area feel bigger even if the walls take some space, if you add elevation changes to the ground it could also add a lot, either making it so there are areas too steep to go up, but you can get down, or even just having areas were you have a vantage point to look down from. As it stands now you would just beeline to where ever you want to go in the zone, or to the exit to the next zone with just a bit of regard to where the mobs are to not run into them, (unless you are going to go through an exit then agroing them doesn't even really matter)

In the same vein the dungeon kind of is a bit too repetitive. There is a entrance to the floor and an exit to the next with a long hallway in-between. Making it so it isn't just a straight hallway and having unique floors could add a lot, for example having some kind of fountain room part way into a dungeon that works as a small rest area.

Speaking of the dungeon it would be cool to see some kind of skill to check for traps or maybe some visuals to hint where traps are. Right now traps aren't punishing at all since just moving keeps them from hurting you, but I can't really suggest making it more punishing when there is no way to really avoid the traps.

Where's the update Anra? I need my fix!

No pressure.


Thank you for waiting, I will update it today I'm just checking the overall result because I need to wipe the data of the game

You might also want to limit how many times you can enhance things.


Didn't know the game was here as well. Good job on the game so far. Hope to see more updates

Would be nice to have a glimpse, without registration.


Sorry for that. I tried doing that. the only thing to register is a username and password so I can register a unique account 

(4 edits) (+1)(-1)

Alright i actually like the game so far.

I love how if you enter combat mode and run and then hit yourself on some wall you will actually fall. It reminds me of Project zomboids sprinting lol. And the fact that it is 1 life makes it even more fun.

The animations are pretty good.

One thing i dont like is the camera. You cant really control it well and you cant turn it down by a lot. Please make the camera better.

Walking is also painfully slow. And i cant seem to walk unless you are in combat mode which is also really annoying.

Also a bug i found. Im playing on my pc and when i click on the walking pad for mobile users and when i use my keyboard to walk i walk even faster.

I havent played a lot. I bet this is gonna be a lot of fun with friends. I might try it.

Also a suggestion:

Im not sure if its already in since there were no players online but adding a duel function would be really cool. I think the Sword art online duel system would be really cool

Send a duel invite to a player and the other player would have a choice of either first to hit or till their health reaches 1 (so they wont loose their characters just for a duel lol) and a time limit for the battle.

Also a party system would be really cool

A map is gonna be really cool. Especially if we are gonna be able to write in it too so we can keep note of where our rented place is and a place to edit/see the controls. I dont know what im doing and what does what lol

Also where do we get food from? I died to starvation 2 times and i cant for the life of me find food

Hyped to see where this game goes though. Good luck with the development 


My heart is almost dying to continue this game. But with the feedback that I heard from you. It rages me to complete it and fix it and do some more development. I'm planning to make this game as a real game. like earning real tokens that you can sold for real money. and you can achieve this by completing guild quests. The food there's some edible monsters on the field that you can kill and some meat will come up. Thank You for giving me energy I've been developing this game for 3months now by myself and It's been hard since no ones appreciate it until you. Thank you

(1 edit)

Man i feel you. Its really hard to do something that you want if you dont really get support for it. Its slightly demotivating especially if you work on it a lot. Making games is really hard (and from what ive heard online games. They sound painful) but yeah. at some point people might notice this more and more... Not sure how advertising works and all but i tend to make posts about my game on reddit and where ever theres a promotion channel on discord servers. It doesnt work well but it is something.

As of the tokens to real money part i would honestly advise not to do it since it would be really hard on your wallet. People can always find a way to cheat lol. Its amazing.

Good luck on development. Make sure to take breaks when needed and not to over work yourself.

I also found that minotours seem to give food. Though they dont give a lot of hunger lol. Also also how does the quest system work? Ive seen the only quest be a B ranked one and its a minotour one


Oh sorry about that because normally quest are generated by me. Unfortunately last week I haven't add any and when I checked on it There's only 2 quests left didn't know that some players testing the game are taking quest.  The quest is simple on the guild house register as an adventurer after that you can check the quests and register a quest that matches your rank for starters even If you acquired power on the start you are obliged to start at rank F so you can only accept rank d or f quests and just follow what it says there either kill a monster or give them an Item what they're looking for. 

Furthermore I will consider what you said for the tokens since you have a point. If I have myself my own team of experts then maybe I'll try doing it. For now I'll focus on the realistic of game. Thank you man. I'll do what you suggest

(1 edit)

ah i see. thats cool.

good luck :)

edit: found a really weird bug.

i went outside the city. my character froze up and couldnt walk or attack. everything else worked. i restarted the web page and this came up.

every time i clicked on space this started coming up and i got coins and levels


This is a hard to fix bug the location relocation I'll get work on it. And I still haven't removed the spacebar when I earn money and things for development purpose. I will do my best to fix everything


Help me Improve the game by commenting the issues or if there's something to be changed.

Is there no more updates on this game ? This game is so cool and addicting